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(RIVERSIDE, CA) -– The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is alerting motorists that Interstate 10 (I-10) is closed between Route 86 and the Arizona State Line July 19 after a severe storm caused a section of the interstate to collapse. I-10 eastbound collapsed and the westbound direction was severely undermined at Tex Wash (Adair Overcrossing), about 44 miles east of Route 86 (Coachella) and 42 miles west of the Arizona State Line.

Get to Know a Freshman: Eduardo Garcia (VIDEO)

Nearly a third of the 2015-2016 California Legislature are first-term members. In this occasional series, The Bee introduces you to Sacramento’s newest lawmakers.

Kids who dream of becoming astronauts or professional athletes rarely see those aspirations realized. Eduardo Garcia wasn’t yet 30 when his came true.

Local Legislator’s Cal Grants Bill Passes Senate Education Committee

(SACRAMENTO, CA) ––The Senate Education Committee passed AB 1091 authored by Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) today on a 9-0 vote. The bill will streamline California's financial aid process and increase Cal Grant and FAFSA application completion rates in California.

Governor Signs Garcia’s First Bill

(SACRAMENTO, CA.) – Governor Brown signed key workforce training legislation today, which was authored by local Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella). AB 1270 (Garcia and Hernández), makes the first round of changes to conform California workforce training laws with the new Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.